A South Asian government established a War Crimes Tribunal as a tool to utilize capital punishment to eliminate political adversaries. Guardian was engaged to publicly expose the exercise to the international community. Unearthed public domain copies of secret online Skype conversations between government prosecutors and judges writing verdicts and pronouncing sentences before any testimony was heard were provided to the international press. This resulted in client-friendly placements across Asia, Europe and the Americas in print, television and social media.
Army officers of an African nation were suspected of orchestrating a plot to block roads and shut bridges in order to prevent voters from anti-government regions reaching the polls. Guardian conducted forensic voice analysis on client-provided secret audiotapes exposing a top Army official. The General later admitted his part in the illicit plot.
Guardian personnel exposed an international double-billing scheme tracing millions of dollars hidden in accounts in Mauritius, Bangkok, Singapore, and the Channel Islands. The findings resulted in a favorable settlement for the client.
A client contacted Guardian with a copy of an email that he received from a stranger stating that the client’s sister was going to have the client killed as a result of a probate dispute. Guardian’s investigation identified the would-be hit man, and elicited a taped confession, that also implicated the sister. The findings of Guardian’s investigation were turned over to local prosecutors who charged the sister, who pleaded guilty and was sentence to prison.
A Japanese import company was the victim of a $1.3 million fraud. Guardian’s investigation physically identified suspects and businesses in Portugal, Canada and Belize. The client elected to try to recover their losses in civil court. Guardian brokered an introduction to an international law firm that initiated the process.
A New York-based IT company suspected that a former executive was violating a non-compete agreement and possibly sharing intellectual property with competing entities. A surveillance operation was established during regular business hours that showed the subject rarely left his home. Operating on a hunch, investigators changed their strategy and began surveillance late at night and during the early morning hours. A pattern was developed where the subject would leave during non-business hours, either late at night or early morning, once a week and drive ninety minutes to a competitor’s office in Connecticut. Guardian’s investigative report resulted in a favorable settlement for the client.
A client was planning on investing nine million dollars in a New Jersey based, service oriented business and requested that Guardian conduct a pro-forma criminal record check on the current owner. The client insisted that he trusted the individual, having spent a lot of time with him and having him over for dinner, so a deeper investigation was not warranted. The assigned analyst became suspicious due to a lack of a public profile for the company. Digging deeper, it appeared that the owner had a history of bankrupting companies. The grateful client rescinded his offer.
An Italian luxury handbag manufacturer suspected a U.S. department store of selling counterfeit replicas of their trademarked merchandise. Investigators were deployed to several stores in various cities across the country purchasing several handbags and confirming suspicions. A cease and desist order was served and civil proceedings initiated.